April 19 began the second long week of Jarod's chemo. Monday - Friday 6 hours a day. By Tuesday mid day he was already totally worn down, extremely exhausted and achy. His body had so much built up in his system that he this time around he couldn't fight it off as well as the first time and we knew it was going to be a long hard week.
Tuesday morning before Chemo I had a dentist appointment for tooth that has been bothering me. This is the same tooth I have had problems with in the past. Apparently due to stress I have been grinding my teeth and cracked one of my lower right molars straight through all the way down. This crack going deep into my gums and jaw has become infected and the infection has spread to my entire right jaw line and lymph nodes in the right side of my neck. Having been through this before which turned into a septic infection they put me on strong antibiotics and pain relievers (which I can't take a drive) and scheduled my appointment 1 month out for surgery.
Wednesday Jarod began to feel nauseous and by Thursday he didn't want to talk or eat much and by Friday all he could do was concentrate on not throwing up which took all his energy and concentration. This went on through the weekend. He never did throw up but only because he spent four days focusing on mind over matter.
As sick as he was last week the good news is that his levels are way down and that it is working, it also looks like there will only be 3 full rounds instead of four which is great news.
Yesterday we went in to the doctor they did the full exam and due to how sick he was they called in more anti nausea drugs and put him on a new regiment for the week. They also gave him 2 anti nausea drugs in his veins before the Belomycin Chemo yesterday. He slept he rest of the day and then was up all night unable to sleep as a side effect of the decadrone they gave him earlier. He finally feel asleep around 5:00 am this morning and just woke up.
The new drugs seem to be working because he is weak tired and totally out of it but not nauseous today which is great.
Yesterday my tooth got worse and I called the dentist, they moved my appointment for my surgery consultation up to tomorrow morning. They said the drugs are stopping it from spreading to my blood stream but are not clearing up the infection. The only way to really get it under control is to remove the source so I'll know more tomorrow when we get back from the doctor.
These health issues are effecting every aspect of our life, this disease is not an event or day it is a several month life altering process that effects every conversation, every situation, perspective, goal and outlook, these changes will with out a doubt lead to multiple changes in our lives which we have to have faith will be for the better and lead us down the road we were meant to travel. There's been multiple changes thus far, it will be interesting to see where will be on the other side of this rain storm. As the saying goes when it rains it pours.. and April Showers bring may flowers :) or so we hope!
3 years ago