Friday, June 18, 2010

Cancer Sucks!

Well I guess I'm back on the blog train!

Jarod had a CT done on Tuesday and we got the results last night, his CT showed 2 nodes in his abdomen that are still large. Our oncologist has been working with Dr. Einhorn in Indiana from the beginning (Lance Armstrong's doctor). He has seen Jarod's scans and has recommended that Jarod meet with Dr. Stephen Beck the number one urologist in the country for this type of surgery.

The nodes are most likely benine but a benine tumor can became cancerous and so the recommendation is to remove them. This is a rare surgery that requires expertise in the area so we will be going to Dr. Beck's office in Indianapolis to have the procedure done.

His office will be getting the entire file on Jarod Monday of next week. They will review it over about 3 days and then call us to discuss the procedure.

The following week we will be traveling to Indiana on Tuesday June 29, meeting with the doctors Wednesday June 30, having surgery July 1 and hopefully if all goes well we will be headed home Tuesday July 6.

This is very upsetting news but we have the best of best behind us and so we know we will be OK. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

I will try to update this as things develop.


  1. Dang :( Hang in there! You are still in our thought & Prayers. We love you both. Love Aunt Tam & Uncle Eric

  2. We are trying to think Good Thoughts, and our prayers continue to be with you. We know it is tough but Keep thinking positive. All our family will do the same
