Friday, May 21, 2010

Turning Point

Well since my last post we have had some turns in our path. On Wednesday Jarod's pain worsened and he had a hard time getting down the steps at his parent's house. Thursday afternoon when I went down to go to dinner with Marcy and Cleo and Jarod, he said his tailbone was hurting in addition to his knee and leg pain, he was even having a hard time moving around.

After dinner we came home and tried to go to sleep, around 3:00 am the pain was bad enough that he was wide awake and at 3:30 am we both were wide awake he was in agany. The pain was so severe he was having shortness of breath and trouble moving and it took until 5:30 for him to calm down enough to sleep. I got up at 7:30 and then at 8:00 am I called the doctor. He called back around 8:45 and he was at the hospital by 10:00 am

They wanted me to bring him in Dr. Filip wanted to look at him and see whats going on. They found a cist that looked infected near his tailbone. This was due to a depressed immune system and had caused a localized infection. He eneded up having to be taken back by a specialty doctor and have it drained and then they put him on anitbiotics. They gave him a demeral for the pain and proceeded to do several sets of blood cultures and a contrast CT to look at his port to see whats going on. The port is OK it just has a portion of skin that is beginning to heal over it and so it's unable to draw blood from it, but they can infuse fluids and chemo into it.

The cultures won't be back until Monday and we won't know anything else really until then. He had no significate issues that were cause for admission to the hospital and it doesn't appear as of now the joint pain is caused by an infection, which is good. Dr. Filip sent him home for now and told us to call him if anything worsens he is on call over the weekend. They were conserned that Jarod could have an infection from his point which jo

The antibitoics should help with the cist he had, and Dr. Filip will let us know if anything comes back over the weekend we need to know about. Right now Jarod is a little less pain, very sore from being stuck 12 times and being cut, and very very tired. We are hoping that the joint pain will be reduced with pain killers and rest and that there are no other issues.

He has had a very tough week, when we saw Dr. Filip we wanted to see what his thoughts were about Monday being his last treatment and he wouldn't discuss that with us until Monday and he also wanted to make sure nothing comes back from these tests today.

We will let you know if anything else happens, hopefully his pain will decrease we will have a calm and restful weekend and good news Monday.

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